Help Us Provide Support For Clinics in Haiti

Help Us Provide Support For Clinics in Haiti

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Haiti unfortunately ranks as one of the regions of the world currently suffering from a humanitarian crisis. Since the earthquake that literally shook the country, Haiti seems to have struggled to get out of the effects of the disaster. Consequently, there is a need for well-meaning individuals and corporate bodies to contribute their quota to help people suffering in the country, a cause the team at Hand International Inc. has taken to heart.

The recent partnership with Disa Polyclinique further reiterates the organization’s goal of alleviating the sufferings of the people in Haiti. Located in Cap Haitian and headed by Dr. Jerry Dely, Disa Polyclinique attends to a lot of people daily. Unfortunately, many of the patients do not have the financial power to get quality medical care, with the clinic itself needing support in terms of materials to continue running and helping the underprivileged. Therefore, Hand International Inc. is lending a supporting hand to the clinic and Haiti as a whole by providing medical supplies and funds to support the needy and ensure that they get the best possible healthcare service.

Your gift will allow us to continue supporting clinics, hospitals and a community in need of better medical care. 

Buy this gift today. Your contribution is meaningful to us and many people in dire need.